Getting to Know Carolyn

Carolyn & Craig WillifordHey! Welcome to my website, and I’m delighted to meet you! If this is your first visit, I thought it would be good to share a little bit about myself.

I’m married to Craig, my best friend and sweetheart, for over 45 years now. He’s a dynamic leader, a turn-around expert. He frees me to be who and what God created me to be, and I love it that he calls me “the delight of his life”!

I’m passionate about spiritual formation—my own growth in my relationship with God and then for couples (see Faith Tango: A Liberating Approach to Spiritual Growth in Marriage), families (Devotions for Families that Can’t Sit Still), small groups, individuals.

Before we lived in Tennessee, I would’ve greeted you with a short ‘n sweet midwestern “Hi!” But one of the things I carried with me from the deep South was greeting others with a more drawn out “Hey!” That and a deeply held belief that developing relationships should be a top priority. My friend Diana would call and say, “Stop cleaning or whatever it is you’re doing, Carolyn. Come sit ‘n cross stitch with me on the front porch in a rocking chair. It’s too nice a day for anything else!”

Know what? She was right.

Every place we’ve lived and ministered—from the churches where Craig pastored (Westlake, Ohio; Denver, Colorado; Park Ridge, Illinois; Akron, Ohio; Colorado Springs, Colorado) to the schools where he was president (Denver Seminary, Trinity International University, and now, Multnomah University)—it was always…will always be…about the people. God’s people, who wrapped themselves around my heart.

I’m also passionate about my family—Robb, who died in 2010 at age 35; I miss him every single day. And Jay and his wonderful wife Rachael and their two children, Abby and Nate. Robb’s sons are Tucker and Tyler, and there aren’t many things better than being with those four, connecting with their hearts, watching them grow, hearing them giggle.

A few more mundane facts: I graduated from Cedarville University with a B.A. in English for Secondary Ed. I’ve taught college classes, workshops, conferences, retreats, and even one Sunday morning message with Craig (listen in at the link for New Hope Community Church). Written 10 books and had 9 published. Not giving up on my unpublished Melungeon novel either.

I love to read; I’m always in the middle of at least one book and usually, two or three. I swim laps, lift weights, walk and pray while walking up our mountain here in Happy Valley, and thoroughly enjoy hiking and biking in the mountains of Colorado.

I also enjoy…

  • Hummingbirds
  • Chocolate
  • Historical novels (check out Jordan’s Bend – for kindle)
  • Repeating my memorized bible verses
  • Meeting people—all around the world
  • Praying
  • Sharing life deeply with my family and friends
  • The beach
  • The mountains
  • Birthday cake with buttercream icing (although the cake’s there simply to showcase the icing)
  • Learning new things, especially in Scripture
  • Hugs
  • My douffy 9-month-old black Labrador puppy, Frisco (he makes us LOL!)

I dislike…

  • Snakes, spiders, bugs in general
  • Cars that go the speed limit and/or sit in the left lane on an expressway (I know, but only 5 mph!)
  • Not being able to eat so many foods that I love (I have a rare, nasty disease, mastocytosis)
  • Putting on authenticity (If you’re “putting it on,” it’s not the real deal—reminder to me too)
  • Rain and grey skies that last for days and days and days
  • Politics (I always vote, however)
  • Technology – when it won’t work…AURGHHHH!
  • Calls from telemarketers
  • Needing to wait somewhere & I don’t have a book with me (rarely happens, though)
  • Injustice, from someone cutting a queue to a criminal not bearing the consequences
  • When I hurt or offend someone – and especially if there’s nothing I can do to make it right

So that—in somewhat of a nutshell—is me. I hope you enjoy my Blob (yes, spelled correctly; my offbeat attempt to keep things in perspective) and Craig’s and my newsletter for couples (sign up here on my website). And if I ever get the opportunity to meet you personally, please come and introduce yourself.

I’ll be delighted to meet you! Listen for the Hey!